Properties of Essential Oils – Orange-Sweet

Essential oils are liquid aroma compounds that are directly obtained from various plants. The oil is essential because it contains the essence of that plants fragrance. There are countless essential oils to choose from. Join us in this series that will detail some of our favorite essential oils.
Orange-sweet (Citrus sinensis) is my “happy oil”. I say so because it the aroma reminds me of inner joy. The primary countries of origin are Israel, South Africa, Italy and Brazil. This oil is the only warming citrus. The aroma is a beautiful combination of fresh, warm, sweet, citrus. The oil is extracted via col press from the fresh fruit rind.
There are numerous therapeutic properties of orange. This oil can aid as an antidepressant, astringent, circulatory stimulant and a diuretic. Orange oil helps to reduce constipation, nausea and vomiting, and irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, orange-sweet is a hepatic stimulant that supports the liver in the production of bile.
The emotional and energetic qualities of orange-sweet are also highly beneficial. The oil is used to unblock and circulate stagnant energy and soothe those Type A perfectionists who can not tolerate error. In addition, the orange oil can combat pessimism and calm those who might be hesitant to ask for assistance. Orange-sweet is highly valued in the Chinese tradition, as it is placed on the alter for luck and prosperity.
Orange is such a bright and uplifting oil. It is useful to add to blends for a happy note! I primarily use orange in cleaning products and my lip balms. Cocoa butter and orange make a perfect and luxurious combination.
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